Michael Lunn is a true Wealden local, born and bred. Having lived and worked in High Weald area all his life, going to school in Five Ashes and living and farming in the ward for the last 15 years, he is well known by many.
He has been elected, unopposed, to be the Wealden District councillor for Hadlow Down and Rotherfield from May 2023.
He has been a Conservative district councillor for the last 12 years and is pleased to have been selected for his local area of Hadlow Down and Rotherfield.
Michael currently runs a pedigree Sussex beef farm in Hadlow Down, and is specifically interested in conservation and environmental issues. He won the Sussex CPRE Countryside award in 2007 for restoration of a historical landscape.
He is a strong believer in protection of the High Weald Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
SPEEDING remains one of the biggest concerns for Michael Lunn. He has actively campaigned with the local PCSOs to raise awareness and commends the parish councils on Speed Indicator Devices which are proving invaluable in educating drivers and gathering speed data.
Michael is campaigning to have a consistent and expanded speed limit on the Western approach on the A272 heading into Hadlow Down where there are three pedestrians crossings. Michael Lunn also commends the local community for contributing nearly £3500 towards new Speed Indicator pole on the Western side of the village of Hadlow Down.